Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, and lessons for Vietnam

Before being arrested by the coup forces, Aung San Suu Kyi acted as the State Counsellor of the government led by the majority of the National League for Democracy. I suddenly recalled back in 2009, when I had just arrived…
Đảo chính tại Myanmar: ‘Cha bắt mẹ’

Link Video: Thủ tướng Anh, Boris Johnson vừa lên án cuộc đảo chính tại Myanmar xảy ra lúc rạng sáng ngày đầu tháng 2, giờ địa phương. Viết trên Twitter sáng ngày 01/02 giờ London, ông Johson nói: “Tôi…
After placing Vietnam in its trap, China moves to Myanmar

On January 17, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping made an official visit to Myanmar with the goal of developing two projects in China’s Belt and Road plan: Beijing proposed building a China-Burma economic corridor (CMEC) with a $1.3 billion deep-water…